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Working Group 6.3: Performance of Communication Systems
Aims and Scope


WG 6.3 is aimed at promoting the use of the performance evaluation techniques for studying and optimizing existing and future computer communication systems.

Special interest is on Future Internet systems, spanning the whole spectrum of research topics in wired, wireless and hybrid networking environments

(e.g., wireless networks, self-organising networks, integrated cellular and mobile networks, SDN, NFV, cloud-based systems, mobile clouds, IoT, content-centric networks).

The WG is also interested in the performance of human-centric Internet systems, stemming from the emerging convergence between the cyber and the physical world

(typically referred to as "Cyber Physical Convergence" and/or "Internet of People"), thus looking at topics such as Mobile and Online Social Networks.

In addition, the WG also looks at performance aspects of the convergence between communication and computing solutions, primarily for pervasive networking environments,

thus also looking at areas such as Fog Computing and Mobile Edge Computing.


The WG organizes and promotes activities related to modeling, analysis, simulation and measurement of computer communication systems, with a special attention to studying and optimizing the performance of:

PageID: 61 Last Update: 2015-10-28 09:41:47 by Andrea Passarella