Welcome to the IFIP TC6 homepage !
The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is a worldwide organisation for researchers and professionals working in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). IFIP links over 48 national societies and academies of science, has head offices in Laxenburg, Austria and operates on a non-governmental, non-profit basis. Activities are coordinated by more than a dozen Technical Committees (TCs). Each TC covers particular aspects of computing and related disciplines, ranging from Computer Systems, Communication Systems, Information Systems, IT Applications, Human-Computer Interaction, Entertainment Computing, Software, Foundations, Artificial Intelligence, Security and Privacy, Modelling and Optimisation, ICT and Society as well as Education.
IFIP strongly promotes the principle of open access and proceedings of which IFIP holds the copyright are made electronically available via IFIP's Open Access Digital Library (DL). Downloading articles from IFIP's Open DL is not only free of charge, but as opposed to commercial publishers and other professional organisations, IFIP does not charge authors of open access articles for publishing in its Open DL. Conference and workshop organizers who prefer printed proceedings can take advantage of the agreement between IFIP and Springer and publish their proceedings as part of IFIP's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) or Advances in Information and Communication Technology (AICT) series. Proceedings by Springer published in IFIP's LNCS and AICT series will be included within IFIP's Open DL after an embargo period of three years. An important activity of the IFIP Technical Committees is to organise and sponsor high quality conferences and workshops in the field of ICT. Sponsoring is generally in the form of Best Paper Awards (BPA) and/or Student Travel Grants (STG). To assist conference and workshop organizers, IFIP has facilities to host conference websites and supports conference management systems such as JEMS, which include export functions that seamlessly integrate with IFIP's Open DL.
Technical Committee 6 (TC6 - Communications Systems) is one of the largest TCs within IFIP in terms of activities and revenues. TC6 has nine Working Groups (WGs) as well as a number of Special Interest Groups (SIGs), the majority of which are concerned either with specific aspects of communications systems themselves or with the application of communications systems. In addition, one WG focuses on communications in developing countries. TC6 meets twice a year, in spring and fall, usually co-locating its meetings with a related conference. Examples of TC6 conferences include IFIP Networking, DisCoTec, Middleware, WiOpt, CNSM, Integrated Network Management (IM) and Wireless Days (WD).
Membership of a TC6 WG or SIG is open to leading researchers within the field, independent of the national society within the country of origin. Well-known (past) TC6 members include: Vint Cerf, André Danthine, Donald Davies, Peter Kirstein, Robert (Bob) Metcalfe, Louis Pouzin and Hubert Zimmermann. Each WG or SIG elects a chair and vice-chair for a period of three years. WG and SIG (vice-)chairs are, next to the national representatives and some key researchers, automatically member of TC6.
TC6 is a strong proponent of open access and the driving force behind the IFIP Open Digital Library (DL). The IFIP Open DL is currently operated by TC6 and eventually will move to the INRIA HAL system. To ensure maximum accessibility of accepted papers, several TC6 conferences publish their proceedings not only in the IFIP Open DL, but also in other online systems, such as IEEE Xplore, ACM DL, ResearchGate and arXiv.
TC6 supports conferences by providing Best Paper Awards (usually 500 Euro each) as well as Student Travel Grants (usually 750 Euro). Conference organizers who intend to obtain IFIP sponsorship are encouraged to fill-in the online Event Request Form (ERF). Depending on the category and type of event, IFIP may charge fees to conferences to cover the costs of (future) awards as well as the IFIP secretariat.
For further information on TC6 Aims&Scope, Events, Working Groups, Officers, Members, etc. please click here or on the respective buttons above (point to "TC6" above in order to find further options).
All (registered) IFIP events are also listed on the IFIP event calendar.
Internal information for TC6 Members can be found on the TC6 WiKi
In general, for any request to augment / change / delete any information provided on these pages, pls. refer to the IFIP TC6 web master (for details see "officers")
TC6 members meeting Jun 2024
TC6 members dinner Jun 2024
TC6 members present at the TC6 meeting 2014-2 in Dagstuhl, Germany
TC6 members present at the TC6 meeting 2007-2 in Borovetz, Bulgaria
TC6 members may edit web pages - prior login required; for credentials pls. refer to the TC6 webmaster.
PS: This site is hosted by the University of hamburg - status info