Aims and Scope
The IFIP WG6.10 on Photonic Networking focus on cutting-edge, state-of-the-art research in optical networking and newly emerging areas. The flag-ship conference of this WG is ONDM (the conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling), a major European conference focusing on the area of optical networking. The main conference topics indeed range almost all relevant areas in optical networking and communications. From many years the ONDM conference is being a meeting point for people coming from the leading industry and from the research and academic side willing to spread and update their knowledge in the conference technical areas. Co-located with the main conference, reated resaech meetings, invited speakers sessions, workshops and/or other events usualy take place either simultaneously or in the nearest days. In the lastests ONDM editions many submissions of the research papers that relate the topics of optical networking to the other areas and disciplines are being received. In particular dealing with integration of optical and wireless networks, energy efficiency in optical networks, and on the role of optical network for the future Internet design. Moreover, ONDM aims to contribute to the community strengthening by inciting interactivity among the senior and junior participants as well as among the industrial and academic participants, in internationally.