Info: Current Status of the TC6 Test Website
These webpages represent a first draft based on input from IFIP TC6. The web site was (technically) designed to be able to hold TC6 and dependent WG data as well as and parent data (whole or /partially TC or IFIP possible). The graphical design is not (never!) ready - but modifications are pretty easy.
Features (ready)
- All pages are DB-stored and can be edited anywhere via web brower.
- Login to web page for extra functionality. (edit of content, restricted areas, ..)
- Personal data is kept in the database and used for, e.g., displaying lists (members, chairs, national delegates, ...). It can be used reference this data also in other contexts (for example as a 'event organiser') without dublicating input
- Structured event lists. Events can be assigned to one or more units (event X to TC6.3 and TC6.8). In such a case, this event is automatically shown in the event lists of both units and in the main event list of "parent" organisation TC6 (if so specified when inputting the event data).
- Front end for inserting and editing events (ready in first version)
- Front end to manage personal data. (Names, Status (member, chair, ..), unit, ...)
Features (possible, iff desired)
- Front end for inserting new pages
- Support for writing of function sets to display / generate person lists
Features (could be done next)
- rights / roles system for access control. (based on login)
- clean up code base. reduce web load.
- more ajax-driven page refresh instead of reload.
- make events able to search, sort, filter, ...
Features (nice to have)
- support for concurrent editing
- additional graphical design.
- news feed
Features (possible in the near future)
- user controlled page markup. (last visit, custom design, custom placement of message boxes, ...)
Other work
- tranfer rest of content from existing old pages
- update and complete existing content
- update personal data and member lists
- ...