This is a joint WG of IFIP
- TC2 (Software:Theory and Practice)
- TC6 (Communication Systems) and
- TC8 (Information Systems)
The aim of this working group is to organize and promote the exchange of information on fundamental as well as practical aspects of service-oriented systems. In doing so, the working group considers service-oriented systems from a technological perspective, but it will also address their business aspects and economic impact.
The aim is to structure a research community that comprises both academia and industry (maybe through living labs) and become an active, permanent, and international forum on services-oriented systems.
Besides the technological underpinnings, the working group addresses the different facets of the discipline. It also tries to organize current initiatives and research, and to propose suitable and sustainable future research directions.
Services have introduced a permanent and structural change in the software history. They provide the basic constructs to support the rapid and easy development of distributed and heterogeneous applications. Service-oriented systems promise a world where heterogeneous application components are assembled with little effort into a loosely-coupled network that can create flexible and dynamic software systems.
Service-oriented computing introduces the service-oriented paradigm into software and application development. Recently, it has been mainly fostered by Web services, which are a particular technology that embodies all the key constituents of the paradigm, but nowadays the same concepts serve a wider landscape. Services are often adopted as high-level abstractions, and the seamless integration of services provided by software components and by humans in the same system is undergoing active research. OSGi, uPnP, and other service-based infrastructures are adopted in many disparate domains. Moreover services do not work solely at application level anymore, but they are also used to characterize âand abstract from unnecessary detailsâ the actual offer of fully distributed software platforms (e.g., Microsoft Azure) and computing infrastructures (e.g., Amazon EC2).
All these different opportunities witness the importance of service-oriented systems. Such systems, along with the paradigm they support, are posing, and will pose, significant research challenges for different communities.
Please find more detailed information on this WG at the IFIP WG 2.14/6.12/8.10 web site