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Working Group 6.8: Mobile and Wireless Communications
Aims and Scope


To organise and promote the exchange of information on wireless communication systems and networks, fixed and mobile, terrestrial and space, local and global. To help in the research, development, design, standardisation and applications for mobile and wireless modules, equipment and systems. To examine technical operational capabilities of the future mobile and wireless networks for voice, data, text and image communications. The results of the work will be made available to individuals as well as organisations concerned, such as manufacturers, operators, common carriers, standardisation bodies, users.


  • Wireless LAN
  • Mobile Computing
  • Cellular Networks
  • Ad-Hoc Networks
  • M2M Communications and Applications
  • Software Defined Radio
  • Satellite Networks
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Wireless Actor Networks
  • Wireless Mesh Networks
  • Wireless Security
  • Vehicular Networks


For further detail of WG 6.8 pls.refer to IFIP TC6 Wiki WG6.8


All topics should be examined from the viewpoint of architecture and protocols, modulation, coding and decoding, methods of communication functions (multiple access, error control, flow control, routing, etc.), security, implementation, user aspects, legal, economic, social and human related issues.


PageID: 62 Last Update: 2017-06-15 15:58:02 by Winfried Lamersdorf